At M.S. Locksmith Ltd we use the latest technology key cutting machines in order to cut the most types of keys with accurancy. We also use key programmers for reprogramming transponder keys for cars, motorbikes and trucks.
If you have just bought a used car and it only has one key or if your car keys got lost or stolen then an M.S. Locksmith Ltd auto key technician will be able to help you as these are issues we deal with on a daily basis.
Emergency on site key cutting and programming is also a service we offer. Most commonly clients lose their car keys or break them in the door/trunk/ignition lock. In that case, an M.S. Locksmith Ltd auto key technician will be able to produce a key by the lock in less than an hour saving you time and money.
Car keys worn out after some years so using our computerized key cutting machines we are able to reproduce a key at the original new state and if the old worn key contains a transponder we simply move it to the new key saving our client’s a lot of money.
Some car locks will get stuck while trying to turn the key so the key gets jammed in the lock or even worst it snaps in the lock. That is when you really need a fully qualified auto key technician who will arrive fast with a van equipped with key cutting machines. Then it’s a matter of time to remove the key piece from the lock and replace the broken key there and then. To get that service at competitive price you just call M.S. Locksmith Ltd at 70008585